Wednesday 19 August 2009

The English Genres: Indonesian Version

Tlisan ini disusun oleh penulis; Pipin Aripin, S.Pd, M.M.Pd, dan Iman Kosasih, S.Pd (Pengajar di SMAN 1 Cicurug Sukabumi.

Genre atau jenis teks dapat dibedakan menurut struktur teks dan fungsi atau maksud si penulis menulis teksnya. Dengan mengetahui genre atau jenis teks, maka akan memudahkan kita menjawab beberapa pertanyaan seperti pertanyaan; What is the genre of the text?, what is the writers purpose of writing the text?, what is the structure of the text, dan lain sebagainya.



To amuse, entertain and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways; narrative deals with problematic events which leads to a crisis or turning point of some kind which in turn finds a resolution.

Teks narrative biasanya merupakan teks dongeng, legenda, dan cerita rakyat. Tetapi secara umum teks narrative merupakan teks cerita yang bertujuan untuk menghibur pembaca.


ü Orientation : pengenalan tokoh, waktu, dan tempat

ü Complication : konflik yang merupakan klimaks.

ü Resolution : akhir konflik.


The Man in the Red Gown

Taiwan’s Story

Many, many years ago, the mountain people in the Ali Mountains of Taiwan were ruled by a government officer named Wu Fung. Wu Fung was a kind and honest man. He tried to change some of the cruel customs followed by the mountain people.

Every year, at the end of autumn, the mountain people celebrated the Harvest Festival. During the festival, a man’s head would be cut off and offered to the God of the Harvest. The mountain people believed that if this was not done the God of the Harvest would be angry and they would not have sufficient grain the next year.

“This is a cruel custom,” Wu Fung told them.

“We have done it for as long as we can remember,” they replied. “you don’t understand our customs. You’re not one of us.”



To retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining.

Recount memiliki kesamaan degan narrative tetapi perbedaannya recount merupakan rekaman kejadian yang berupa events yang bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi kepada pembaca.


ü Orientation : pengenalan informasi tentang siapa, dimana

dan kapan.

ü Events : rekaman kronologis peristiwa.

ü Evaluation : komentar penulis

ü Re-orientation : rekaman ulang yang merangkum seluruh



Remembering Kevyn

I had a great honor of being able to call Kevyn Aucoin, my friend. He was not only a magnificent artist, but more important, a magnificent human being. My older sister, Liza Minneli, introduce us in 1991. we instantly hit it off.

Kevyn did my make-up for photo shoots with my sister and for the 1993 Tony awards. But I will always remember the day we spent together in my bathroom. Kevyn taught me how to do my own make-up. He told me to stop plucking my eyebrows every five minutes and as we were finishing, he made a list of what he used. I asked him to come to Bloomingdale’s with me, fully expecting him to say, “No” but he said he’d love to and off we went. By 6.30 pm., we had shopped our brains out and laughed so much that we were exhausted. I got into the cab and kissed him good-bye.

Over the years, I’d also buy allure every month to read his column. His work has truly made make-up as important as fashion.

Spending time with Kevyn was like being hugged. He was an angel and all of us who knew him were lucky.



To describe how something is accomplished trough a sequence action of steps.

Secara umum tujuan teks yang berbentuk procedure adalah untuk mengemukakan serangkaian petunjuk atau langkah-langkah untuk melakukan/membuat sesuatu.


ü Goal : tujuan kegiatan

ü Materials : bahan-bahan yangdigunakan.

ü Steps : Langkah-langkah yang dilakukan.


How to cross the street safely

There’s no more pedestrian safety than looking both ways these guidelines follow the recommendations of the national highway traffic safety administration choose a corner where cars tend to slow down the most when crossing the street look to your left to your right and to your left again before crossing the street continue looking to the side as you proceed once you have determined that you can cross the street safely understand and obey crossing signals do not to cross until the walk sign appears but if you have already started to cross the street get to the other side as quickly as possible remain alert to drivers lights engine noises and other indications of oncomingcars both before and as you cross the street.



To inform readers, listeners or viewers about event of the day which are considered newsworthy or important

Tujuan teks ini adalah untuk menginformasikan tentang kejadian yang terjadi dan dianggap penting kepada khalayak.


ü Newsworthy events : kejadian inti.

ü Background events : Latar belakang kejadian.

ü Sources : sumber berita, komentar saksi,

pendapat ahli, dsb.


MANILA (AFP): the Philippines has the most number of endemic bird species which are in danger of extinction, according to a nation wide wildlife report obtained here yesterday.

‘The Philippines Red Data Book’, written by the Wildlife Conservation Society of the Philippines, noted that the country has 40 endangered bird species, more than any other countries.

This include the Cebu flower—pecker of which only four are known to be still alive, making it the most endangered bird in the world, the ‘Red Data Book’ stated.

An Endangered species is defined as one of that has a 20% change of becoming extinct of 20 years.

The ‘Data Book’ said the threat of extinction was due to the growing destruction of the forests which are the habitats of the birds and other wild animals, many of which are similarly endangered



To describe the ways things are, with a reference to a range of natural man—made and social—phenomena in our environment.

Tujuan teks ini adalah untuk menggambarkan tentang sesuatu hal apa adanya, hal yang dideskripsikan meliputi hasil karya manusia dan fenomena social dan alam.


ü Generic Classification : menceritakan tentang fenomena yang akan dibahas.

ü Description : deskripsi fenomena meliputi fungsi, kualitas, kebiasaan, dsb.



Whales are sea—living mammals.

They therefore breathe air but cannot survive on land. Some species are very large indeed and the blue whale, which can exceeded 30m in length, is the largest animal to have lived in earth. Specifically, the whale looks rather like a fish, but there are important differences in its external structure such as the skin is smooth and shiny and beneath it lies a layer of fat. This is up to 30m in thickness and serves to conserve heat and body fluids.



To describe a particular things, person and places.

Fungsi teks ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan sesuatu, seseorang dan tempat.


ü Identification : pengenalan subjek.

ü Description : menyebutkan cirri-ciri subjek; bagian fisik,

karakter, kepribadian, dsb.


Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia. It is centrally located within the country on the northwest coast of Java Island at the mouth of the Ciliwung River. Jakarta dominates Indonesia’s administrative, economy, cultural activities, and is a major commercial, and transportation hub within Asia. With a population of about 9 million, Jakarta has many people than any other city in Indonesia. The climate is hot and humid year--round. Rainfalls occur throughout the year, although it is the heaviest from November to May. The average annual precipitation in Jakarta is 1,790mm. The city lies on a flat, low plain and is prone to flooding during the periods of heavy rainfall.

Kota is the city’s oldest commercial area. It is located south of the old Sunda Kelapa harbour. Glodok, the south of Kota is banking, retail and residential neighborhood with a large Chinese population. Merdeka square with Monas (the National Monument) dominates the city’s central district. Surroundings the square are Istana Merdeka, the presidential palace, the National Museum, and Mesjid Istiqlal.

  1. SPOOF


To retell the events with the humorous twist.

Fungsinya untuk menceritakan sebuah cerita dengan bagian akhir merupakan bagian yang lucu .


ü Orientation : menceritakan pelaku, kapan serta dimana cerita berlangsung.

ü Events : kejadian – kejadian diceritakan secara


ü Twist : akhir cerita yang lucu.


Magic Mirror

So the are three girls: an ugly red head, a fat brunette, and a dumb blonde.

The three girls are in historical inn. They stop to take a tour. The innkeeper showed them a mirror. He said that if you tell a lie in front of it, you disappear.

The ugly redhead goes up to the mirror and says, “ I think I’m pretty!” and POOF! She disappears.

Then the fat brunette goes up to the mirror and says, “ I think I’m slim!” and POOF! She was gone too.

Hen the dumb blonde goes up to the mirror and says, “I think!” and POOF! She was gone.



To share with others an account of unusual or amusing incident.

Fungsinya untuk menceritakan sebuah cerita yang konyol dan lucu.


ü Abstract : awal cerita dengan isyarat akan dimulainya cerita lucu.

ü Orientation : dimulainya adegan cerita

ü Crisis : detil kejadian

ü Coda : akibat. (optional)


Soon after Dave left college, one of his uncle, who was rich died and left Dave a lot of money.

So he decided to set up his own real estate agency.

He had only been there for a few hours when he heard someone coming towards the door of his office.

“It’s my first costumer!” he thought. He quickly picked up the telephone and pretended to be very busy answering an important call from someone in New York who wanted to buy a big and expensive house in the country.

The man knocked at the door while this was going on, came in and wait politely for the agent to finish his conversation. Then he said to me, “I’m from the telephone company, and I was sent here to connect your telephone.”.



To persuade the listener of why and how things happened.

Fungsi teks adalah untuk memaparkan dan menganalisa masalah.


ü A thesis : pengenalan topic, garis besar cerita dan penempatan posisi si penulis.

ü Arguments : elaborasi argument dan pengembangan dukungan terhadap poin yang dikemukakan.

ü Reiteration : penguatan pernyataan pendapat.


Do you know if you are too fat, you may have serious problems with your health? A group of doctors wrote a report about some of the effects of too much fat.

One important effect is on the heart. If you are too fat, your heart has to work harder. This may lead to a heart attack; or it may lead to other heart problems.

In addition, extra fat can also change the amount of sugar in your blood. This can cause serious disease such as diabetes.

Furthermore high blood pressure is another possible result of being fat.

More studies are needed about all these problems. But one thing is clear, extra fat may make your life shorter.



To persuade the reader or listener that something should or should not be the case.

Funsinya untuk memaparkan dan mempengaruhi pembaca bahwa hal ini seharusnya begini dan tidak seharusnya begitu.


ü Thesis : pernyataan pendapat yang akan disampaikan.

ü Arguments : alasan atas keprihatinan yang mengarah pada rekomendasi.

ü Recommendation : pernyataan tentang bagaimana seharus nya dan tidak seharusnya.


No one can deny that AFI (Akademi Fantasi Indosiar) has fascinated many fans around the nation. As one of the many talent search shows, AFI is bound to be compared with other reality show such as Indonesian Idols, KDI, Mamamia shows, etc.

AFI has offered a unique package for viewers; a combination between a reality show and talent show. Their way of finding real entertainers has increased the public’s awareness of the difficulties in reaching the top in the entertainment business.

But frankly saying, AFI has not fully succeeded in reaching its main goal. If you take an objective look at the number of the winners, you’ll see that they are not able to fill the most basic requirements, which is to sing properly. This is ironic, considering all the criticism coming from the judges about pitch tones, tempos, and everything that has to do with becoming a good singer.

Thus, if we want to improve the Indonesian music industry, we should really think about the singer’s and the musician’s talents and train them appropriately, so they can be a professional singer or musician in the future.



To explain the process involved in the formation and working of natural or sociocultural phenomena.

Fungsi teks ini adalah untuk menerangkan proses yang terjadi dalam pembentukan atau kejadian yang terkait dengan fenomena dunia ilmiah, sosial—budaya, dll.


ü General statement : penjelasan umum

ü Sequenced explanation : penjelasan proses bagaiman dan mengapa sesuatu terjadi.

ü Closing : penutup.


Table Manners


o Always place your napkin on your lap.

o Dinner conversation in important in US. You should take part in the conversation.


o Never put your napkin on the table during the meal.

o Do not begin to eat until everyone is served.

o Do not eat with your elbows on the table. It is very impolite to bend over your plate as you eat.

o Never ‘slurp’ your soup. Americans are shocked by noise.

o Do not talk when your mouth is full.

o Do not wave your knife and fork in the air as you talk.

o Please remember that Americans do not use toothpicks at the table.

Unfortunately, not all Americans have good table manner. Nevertheless, with good manners, you will always be culturally correct.



To summarize, analyze, and respond by critique to art work or event for a public audience.

Fungsi teks adalah untuk meringkas, menganalisa, dan merespon melalui kritik terhadap suatu hasil karya seni yang ditujukan untuk pemirsa.


ü Orientation : latar belakang informasi dari teks.

ü Interpretative recount : ringkasan karya seni.

ü Evaluation : Evaluasi termasuk penilaian, opini, dan atau rekomendasi.

ü Evaluative summation : penilaian terakhir termasuk pujian atau kritik.


Bisa Saja was chosen as the first single of the album and theme song of Brownies because the lyrics reflect the story in the movie.

Budjana of GIGI demonstrates his skills in playing acoustic guitar in Cinta Terakhir. Three another brand new songs, Dilema, Jangan Bilang Pacarku, and Semua Orang Berhak Mendapat Rasa Bahagia, give supporting nuances to the flow of movie. GIGI composed them by imagining how the scenes would look like based on the screen play.

When Hanung Bramantyo (the director) and Dewa Budjana of GIGI chatted, Budjana expressed his interest in making soundtrack album. Then he recommended a few GIGI songs, which the producer accepted because of the chemistry they created with the movie.

Since GIGI could provide a variety of colors to add all kind of musical nuances to enrich the movie, the producers deemed in unnecessary to find other musicians to complete the original soundtrack of Brownies.

Armand Maulana (vocalist), I Gede Dewa Budjana (guitarist), Thomas Ramadhan (bass player) and Gusti Erhandy (drummer) put a lot of effort into this album. As a result, they’ve created a perfect blend of a movie and songs that make Brownies tastier.

It’s always fun to have a piece of brownies in your mouth but having it on your stereo is more entertaining. No movie is perfect without a musical score and Oust. Of Brownies has proved it excellently.



To present various perspectives based on the information and opinions based on the issue.

Fungsi teks adalah untuk mengetengahkan berbagai pandangan berdasarkan informasi dan opini mengenai suatu masalah hingga samapai pada satu keputusan.


ü Opening Statement : pernyataan pembuka untuk mengetengahkan masalah.

ü Pros and Cons : argument atau bukti dari berbagai sudut pandang

ü Concluding/recommendation : kesimpulan dan rekomendasi.


Credit cards have many advantages as a means of payment. The most practical benefit of these magical plastic cards are that the cardholders don’t need to carry cash. Our credit cards enable us to get cash in advance from an authorized bank or from ATM. Yet, with all the benefit, having a credit card involved some risks.

It is likely to happen that the cardholders tend to spend more money than he or she should, or can afford to. Cards come in handy when we buy on impulse. With a credit card, we can pay for things in an emergency without having to wait for our end-of-month paycheck. Who isn’t lured by the buy-now-pay-later concept? Actually, when you use a credit card, you buy on credit, which means that you have to buy interest. And like all other bank loans, your debts will swiftly add up if you fail to make the regular monthly payments.



To explain the process involved in the formation (evolution) of a sociocultural phenomenon, is though a natural phenomenon.

Fungsi teks ini menjelaskan proses yang terjadi pada sebuah fenomena sosial sebagai sebuah fenomena yang alamiah.


ü General statement : penjelasan umum

ü Sequenced explanation : rangkaian penjelasan yang terdiri dari tahap-tahap perubahan.


Where did bears come from? Bear as we know has existed on the earth for every long period of time, but his predecessor may go back many hundreds of years. Most authorities now believe that the handsome, two legged bear of today evolved from a single cell organism a speck of dust perhaps. Then gradually, through natural selection and survival of the speck, cotton wool balls developed. We do not know exactly when the first soft furnishing appears on earth, but they must have been very simple beings.

In the beginning was the cushion. Not a very impressive object –a simply lump of padding material held together with some sort of covering—but from this inauspicious start develop two reptilian form that were the direct ancestor of modern bear.

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